What Is The Importance of Surge Protectors?

You never really think about it until you come home and find every light in your house on because your power went out for an hour or so. You might even have a clock radio taunting you with a “no signal” message. A surge protector protects appliances from electrical surges by absorbing the excess electric […]

5 Electrical Safety Precautions for Outdoor Kitchens

Electrical Safety Precautions for Outdoor Kitchen

In kitchens that are located outside the house, like outdoor kitchens, it is very important to take safety precautions. There are several hazards that you can face when cooking outdoors since the environment is not controlled. Here are five electrical safety precautions to take while cooking with an outdoor kitchen: There you have it for […]

5 Electrical Mistakes That Could Destroy Your Appliances

Electrical Mistakes

It’s not shocking when a dishwasher or clothes dryer suddenly dies, but it is surprising when the same electrical issue strikes an appliance that runs almost constantly. Below are the electrical mistakes that could destroy your appliances: It’s easy to forget about basic electrical safety when using appliances, but the consequences can be surprising and […]

Electrical Checklist for Fall Maintenance

Electrical Services

Fall is a relaxed time for everyone. It is a time to clean up, put away some decor, and enjoy the crisp fall days. But as the leaves start to fall and the temperature outside drops below 70°F, it is essential to be aware that your house’s electrical system is changing with the weather changes. […]